McCrary Elementary School Battle of the Books Blog

Hello, McCrary Elementary Battle of the Books competitors! I'm setting up this blog so that we can discuss the Battle of the Books books during the summer and the school year. Feel free to post any comments, questions, or thoughts about the different books on here. Just remember that this is a school blog and it is a public document. Make sure that your comments are thoughtful and appropriate! Happy reading!

-Ms. Salabak

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

By Robert C. O'Brien


  1. This book reminded me a lot of Poppy since they both tell stories about brave mice trying to help their families. I really liked Mrs. Frisby's character because she was always trying to take care of her family and she was also willing to help the rats. My favorite part of the story was when Mrs. Frisby went into the rat's home and heard about Nimh and their plan to stop stealing and survive on their own.

    Some questions for discussion:

    *Why does Mrs. Frisby decide to help Jeremy even though it means that she is risking her safety and that of her children? What does this tell you about her character? How does it end up being good that she does help Jeremy?

    *How would you define bravery? Who do you think is the bravest character in this book? Why?

    *What is your opinion of animal research? Do you think it was right for the scientists to perform their tests on the rats?

    *Why do you think the author chose rats as the “heroes” in this book? How are the rats in this story different than rats you encounter in other stories?

    *Why does Mrs. Frisby decide to tell her children about NIMH? Do you think it’s important that they know?

  2. This book was pretty good I loved how Mr. O'brian made the rats the heros instead of the disgusting villians. In my opinion I don't think animal testing is right because as we can tell from the story the lab treats them pretty well but the expeiriments could kill them instansly. On the other hand some animals aren't the same as some people so whats the point of testing them.

    1. Elizabeth,
      I don't think we should test on animals. But sometimes I guess that it is necessary. I do feel sorry for the animals, and hate to see any living creature treated badly. I also thought it was great that the rats were heroes! I didn't expect this when I was first reading the book. It is interesting how some animals are usually seen as bad (like foxes are usually portrayed as being sneaky, clever, and tricky.) I don't like rats, but I was glad they got to be the good guys for once!

  3. Mrs. Frisby decided for jermey to help her because Timothy's life depends on it. Another reason why she helped Jermey is because Mrs.Frisby is a kind,loving widow. It ends up being a good thing she helps jermey because in return she gets a ride to the owl and more places. What I mean by Timothy's life depended on it is Timothy is really sick and Mrs.Frisby needs to go and see the owl to ask for help.

    1. Marion,
      Mrs. Frisby certainly cares a lot about Timothy! She seems like a loving mom who would do anything for her children. My mom is this way- when I had surgery a few years ago, she drove overnight from Ohio and met me in the emergency room. I hope that if I am ever a mom I can do many things for my children. When Mrs. Frisby helps Jeremy and then he helps her in return, it reminded me of the story of the Lion and the Mouse. Do you know that tale?

    2. Yea my mom is like that. She is over protective of me. Such as when I am sick she stays with me all day. She loves us all very much. I feel bad for Timothy because he will be sick for a while and he has to get a lot of sleep. I think that Mrs Frisby has a lot on her hands like she has to help timothy, has to get food for her kids, and she has to get her house out of the way from the disctruction.

  4. yes and Mrs.Frisby is brave in the story because she is the main character.

  5. polar bears and i don't think so he won't because he is a rat

  6. I think that Robert.c O'brien wanted his book to be different from other books about rats and mice. Think about all the rat books you've read. How many have had the rats as good guys. For me this is the first book with good rats. Rats are mostly called evil mice. So I like this change.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Gonzalo,
      It is interesting how authors generally give animals certain characteristics. For example, dogs are usually good characters and snakes generally are troublesome. I liked that the rats were the good guys, even though I do not like rats. It definitely makes this book different! I was expecting the rats to be bad, so I was surprised when they were so helpful.
