McCrary Elementary School Battle of the Books Blog

Hello, McCrary Elementary Battle of the Books competitors! I'm setting up this blog so that we can discuss the Battle of the Books books during the summer and the school year. Feel free to post any comments, questions, or thoughts about the different books on here. Just remember that this is a school blog and it is a public document. Make sure that your comments are thoughtful and appropriate! Happy reading!

-Ms. Salabak

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lawn Boy

By Gary Paulson


  1. I thought this book was funny, and it was a very quick read. It reminded me very much of The Lemonade War. I thought it was funny when the boy in the story finds out he is sponsoring a heavyweight fighter. I was also very unsure about whether he should trust Arnold, but I was pleased that it all worked out in the end.

    Questions for Discussion:
    What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?

    Why do you think Gary Paulsen chose not to give his book's narrator and hero a name?

    Do you think Lawn Boy will keep mowing lawns for the rest of his life? Why or why not?

    What would you do with $480,000?

    Why did Lawn Boy agree to mow Arnold’s lawn?

    Would you have trusted Arnold with your money? Why?

    Why was Lawn Boy hesitant to share his profit with his father?

  2. I would spen my money with a game and a ipad and go shopping with my family.

    1. That's a nice idea to go shopping with your family. Would you buy them all something? I'd love to have an ipad!

  3. I would spen my money money on games, ipad and take my family shopping and buy whatever.

    1. Luna,
      I'm sure that your family would love that! If you decide you'd like to take the school librarian shopping too, just let me know! :)

  4. What I would do with all of that money is first give some money to my parents and then go wild like buy new clothes or lots and lots of books. I think that the only reason Lawn boy agreed to mow Arnold's lawn just because Lawn boy is a nice person.

    1. Marion,
      Did you decide against getting lots of pizza? I like the idea of getting lots of books! And it is very nice of you to give some money to your parents, too. I'm sure that they would be grateful! Lawn Boy does seem like a nice person. I'd gladly let him mow my lawn- I don't really like to mow. Do you think Lawn Boy will keep mowing lawns?

  5. I thought this book was really cofusing because all of the buissnes talk I will have to get some background knowladge on the subject. I would definately put some in my collage savings and make sure to put aside some for my church. other than that I would make sure my family got all of the money they need and then I would go have shopping spree at the apple store.

    1. Elizabeth,
      For a short book, I agree that this one has a LOT of information packed in there! There is a lot of confusing information about business. I'm so glad that you would save some money for college! What do you want to go to school for? It is also nice of you to give money to your church and your family. And the shopping spree at the Apple store sounds fun- I would love to join you for that!

    2. Maybe I have been looking at an iPad2. I not sure what I want to go for school for yet. I might be a scientist that perserveres in things like time travel. But I would also be OK with a colledge professor. I am not sure if I would have truste Arnold as much as the main character did. First he is a complete stranger and I don't give up money easily!

  6. i woulnd not trust arnold because i think he would spen it and never give my money of pay back

  7. This book is probally the most confusing book in the world. Even after you've read it 4 times. Another reason why I wouldn't trust Arnold is because he is a human being and people make mistakes so if he did something wrong then I wouldn't like kill him butI wouldn't trust him. I fact I wouldn't trust anyone. With $480,000 ?I would spend it on an i pod 5or any cool gagits. Sorry I spelled some words wrong.

  8. i think lawn boy would keep doing to have more money because if i was lawn boy i would keep doing it for i can buy all lot of stuffs for chrimas presents

  9. Well because i think it will sound wrong and not a good book so he didn't gave a hero because the people that well read this wellt hink it really boring and they well say they shoudn't put a hero

  10. I would buy myself a Iphone or an Ipod tuch and then a cace that are the coolest caces around.or i can try to pay [or help] pay for a new room for me and only me.

  11. i think lawn boy is a really good book becuse lawn boy never really knew that he was going to make alot of money he just got it for his birthday.merry christmas gonzalo ho ho ho

  12. i kind of liked this book but not much. i also think that 40$ is way to much for a lawn. but arnld was really good at makeing money. also lawn boy might stick with mowing lawns because they eran a good amonut of money. and if he dose he might make a lawn copny when he grows up.

  13. i would not trust arnold because he might waste it on cool stuff and then when i ask for my money back, he will not owe me my money back.

  14. What kind of competition someone enter in Lawn Boy?

  15. Why did Lawn boy's grandmother give him her husband's lawn mower?

  16. How long did the boxing competition last?

  17. In which book did a boy wake up in the morning with his parents and his grandma and breakfast?
