McCrary Elementary School Battle of the Books Blog

Hello, McCrary Elementary Battle of the Books competitors! I'm setting up this blog so that we can discuss the Battle of the Books books during the summer and the school year. Feel free to post any comments, questions, or thoughts about the different books on here. Just remember that this is a school blog and it is a public document. Make sure that your comments are thoughtful and appropriate! Happy reading!

-Ms. Salabak

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Found (Book 1 from the Missing series)

By Margaret Peterson Haddix


  1. I just finished this book. I'm not generally much of a science fiction fan, but this book was alright. The beginning definitely sparked my curiosity, and I thought that the characters were very likeable. The relationship between Jonah and Katherine reminded me of my relationship with my younger brother. I also liked that the book was set in Ohio- where I am from. Margaret Peterson Haddix lives in Columbus, Ohio.

    A few questions about the book:

    If you got letters like Jonah did, would you show them to your parents? Why or why not?

    Katherine tells Johan, “…If you’re going through some adolescent ‘Who am I?’ phase, it’s not because you’re adopted. Everyone goes through that. I don’t know who I am either.” (p. 54) Do you feel like this? Do you wonder how others will define you? Do you care?

    How does the novel end? Was it satisfying? What do you think will happen next in the series? What questions does Haddix leave in your mind for the next book?

  2. OMG best B.O.B. book ever!!!! I couldn't put it down I read it on the car ride home from labor day vacation. I think it is the most suspenseful book I have ever read I can't wait for meetings to start up! It was also super scary kind of a creepy thought going back in time isn't it? I'm still kind of confused but then again I just finished it. Well I'll see you later.

    1. Elizabeth-
      This was a very suspenseful book. I wanted to keep reading it because I really wanted to know what was going on! The author did a great job revealing the story in a way that kept me wondering what was happening. It is a scary and creepy thought about going back in time! Would you like to travel back in time?

    2. I think I will stay in the 21st century please I need electronics and real clothes. Thank you for making me the expert on this book I don't think I will have a problem re-reading this book. The way Margeret ended this book was to suspenceful like the Hunger Games where you can't think of anything else untill you get the sequel.

    3. Sorry I didn't blog this weekend (11-3-12 - 11-4-12) I have been very sick and weak. I think I would show the letters to my parents, maybe they could help. Or atleast they could give me some comfort. I would be cautious though because they could freak out and act crazy.

    4. Elizabeth-
      I'm glad that you are willing to read this book twice. It was not my favorite on the list this year, although I enjoyed it. I do like suspenseful books- I loved the Hunger Games series! I read all three of them last summer in about a week. I wish I had more time to read because there are so many books I wish I could sit down and read like that.

      It is ok that you didn't get to blog this weekend. I hope that you are feeling better! I think showing the letter to your parents is a good idea. I'd rather not be alone with that information. When I have big decisions to make I still tell someone else about it and get advice. Do you like to get advice about things or are you more decisive than me?

    5. Aghhh I was sick again bthis weekend but I am feeling better. I think that Angela DuPre was very intelligent because she was cautious about the conversation on the phone could be tapped. But I'm not sure she thought the meeting thing through. Letters can be read and re-sealed and the library probably has sucurity cameras. I do like advice but normally it doesn't help because one person will tell me one thing and then another person will tell me another thing so I end up where I started. Can't wait untill I get to talk about my expert book!

  3. This book gave me the creeps at first but I love the middle and end. If I got letters like that I would go strait to my mom and look at her in the eye and tell her about the strange letter and let her see it. I think this because I don't think that I would make as much progress if I did not tell my parents.

    1. It would make your mom know you are being honest if you look her in the eye. I think she would probably think you were making the whole thing up at first, so this would be important. This book was a bit creepy. What did you like about the middle and end?

    2. I'm like you Ms. Salabak, I am not a Sci- Fic. Fan but, it's an okay book. I thought it it was really interresting when the letter kept on saying "YOU ARE ONE OF THE MISSING". It made me think and it made me get this wierd feeling. Lol.
